Create Legal Notice In Windows 8 / 7 / XP
Lagal Notice is a type of popup message comes when you start your computer. It is only for Fun it dosen’t harms your computer. You Can use this prank to your friends computer and when your Friends Turn his/her computer on he/she will see a popup message showing which you have Entered.
Now Lets Start the task. First of all I want to inform you that this is a REGISTRY trick so do it carefully.
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3. Then Registry Editor Opens. Then Press Ctrl+F.
4. Now a Search box Apperars On the Screen. Then Write the Text legalnoticecaption and press ok.
5. After Waiting For Some Seconds ( Depens Upon Your System Performance) and a result appears like this.

6. That’s the right thing we need. Double Click on legalnoticecaption and Enter The Value Data. (Enter the Header of the message box)
7. Now The Last Step. Double click on legalnoticetext and Enter the Text You Want To Display On The Computer Start.
8. Now Exit the Registry Editor By Going File > Exit.
Must Share With Your Friends.
Now Lets Start the task. First of all I want to inform you that this is a REGISTRY trick so do it carefully.
You Must View:-
Create Legal Notice
We Will Go Through The Step-by-step process.- On Main Screen (Desktop Screen ) Press Windows+R.
Instead of Step #1 You Can Also Do This: Click on Start Menu and then Search Run in the Search Box Of Start Menu.2. Type regedit and press Enter.

3. Then Registry Editor Opens. Then Press Ctrl+F.
4. Now a Search box Apperars On the Screen. Then Write the Text legalnoticecaption and press ok.
5. After Waiting For Some Seconds ( Depens Upon Your System Performance) and a result appears like this.

6. That’s the right thing we need. Double Click on legalnoticecaption and Enter The Value Data. (Enter the Header of the message box)
7. Now The Last Step. Double click on legalnoticetext and Enter the Text You Want To Display On The Computer Start.
8. Now Exit the Registry Editor By Going File > Exit.
Editor’s Desk
Friends Please Do not do any thing else in your registry editor. It may Harm Your PC Performance.Must Share With Your Friends.
Create Legal Notice In Windows 8 / 7 / XP
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